Chicago Child Support Attorneys
Looking at each case, we can provide our client with an estimate of what the child support may be. It is important to understand how the court comes to their decision, so we will talk our client through how their decision may be reached.
A child has the right to emotional and financial support from both parents. One parent should never have the financial burden alone to support the child, if the other parent has the ability to pay. There are many different scenarios that can make the process difficult, but with the help of a child support lawyer in Illinois, you can seek a child support is order that is fair and in accordance with the law.
At January Family Law, LLC, we know the law and how to handle these delicate types of cases. Whether you seek child support or want to challenge it or whether you are addressing child support through a divorce proceeding, our child support attorney will provide thorough advice and handle all aspects of the case while keeping you informed. To learn more about child support and your options regarding it and your unique situation, contact us online or at 872-331-4144.
What is Child Support in Cook County or Lake County?
Child support is a way to ensure that both parents are financially responsible for their children while taking into consideration their ability to provide support. Child support typically lasts until the child turns 18 years of age. There are exceptions made in cases where the child is still attending high school or is considered to be disabled. In addition, the parents may be ordered to pay for all or a portion of the child’s college or university tuition, fees, and expenses.
When one parent, or custodian, is seeking child support, they may do so by pursuing the matter pro-se through the court system, by hiring an attorney to represent them, or by seeking assistance from their local child support office.
Factors Considered when Determining Child Support in Cook County or Lake County
In Illinois, there are certain factors courts take into consideration when determining whether or not child support should be ordered, and if so, in what amount.
Some of the most common include:
- The gross income earned by each parent
- The number of children each parent is responsible for supporting
- How much time the children under the order spend with each parent
- The cost of health insurance for the child
- Whether or not the child has special needs or any sort of disability that requires extraordinary expenses
- Whether or not either parent is voluntarily unemployed or underemployed
The court will also consider any factors that it considers relevant and impact the parties’ ability to pay child support.
Failure to Pay Child Support in Illinois
When child support is established, a payment schedule is also established. When the parent ordered to pay support fails to do so, there are options available to the parent (or custodian) receiving the support. They are able to file a motion in the court to have the support order enforced, they may seek an attorney to help them, or they may seek the help of the local child support office.
The parent enforcing the child support order can request that the parent ordered to pay explain to the court why they have not made their payments. The court will consider the matter and enter an order, which may include jail time for failure to pay. Even when jail time is ordered, the parent under the order typically can avoid it by paying a certain amount towards their debt as ordered by the court.
In some cases, there are remedies available to ensure the child support is paid, such as wage withholding, a child support trust, and additional discovery of assets and income.
Why Hire a Family Law Lawyer in Cook County or Lake County
If you are seeking child support establishment or enforcement, an attorney can help you seek to locate the non-custodial parent and determine their ability to pay. If you are being ordered to pay child support, an attorney can help you assess whether the amount of the order is fair. Child support orders may be modified when the circumstances warrant a change.
Contact a Child Support Attorney in Illinois
Child support is necessary to make sure your child receives the things they need to grow and thrive in life. One parent should not bear the financial burden. Our child support lawyer at January Family Law, LLC understands what is at stake and uses skill, knowledge, and resources to represent your rights. We also handle other issues alongside child support, like parental responsibilities (formerly child custody and visitation) and maintenance (also known as spousal support or alimony). Contact us today by using our online form or calling us directly at 872-331-4144 to schedule a consultation.
Contact January Family Law, LLC if you are located in Cook or Lake County, Illinois
Getting the legal help you need is right at your fingertips. Contact us today to schedule a consultation. We will discuss your case, explain your options, and help you determine your next best steps.